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Little House on the Prairie

Inspired by the annual Harvey Dunn Society Plein Air Paint Out, I decided to draw as many of the Ingalls Homestead and Ingalls Family buildings as I could find. Growing up visiting my grandparents' house in DeSmet, my cousins and I often found ourselves playing around these historic buildings, and sometimes taking the tours and visiting the homestead for fun. Knowing that tourists flock to DeSmet to see what Laura Ingalls was writing about in her books, to see what inspired the TV series, I knew these drawings could mean something to many people, not just South Dakotans, and not just my cousins and me.


"Home is the nicest word there is."


- Laura Ingalls Wilder

West Bethany Church

Hay Roof Barn

Surveyors House

Livestock Barn

The House that Pa Built

DeSmet Depot Museum

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